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Returns Policy
At PGR Timber, returns are easy. Contact us within 30 days with your order details. We're here to help!

PGR Timber will allow return of products only in following cases:

• Wrong order (wrong size, colour, quantity or material related issues)
• Defective product
• Damaged product
• Significantly different in specifications as mentioned in the

(Please note any product returned for a reason other than the four named above will be subject to a 15% restocking charge)

PGR Timber or any of its merchant will not accept returns in following cases:

• Product is used/worn or altered
• Physical damage to the box or to the product
• If returned without original packaging and accessories
• If sealed package of branded products is open

Replacement of the product will only be done if any fault of the merchant of “PGR Timber”.
If you have received an incorrect product, damaged product, empty parcel, or if the product is not working after installation inform us at our email [email protected] within 7 days of delivery (no enquires will be entertained after 7 days of delivery). You can raise a return request by customer support:

• Customer Support will confirm the return request and will inform you about the return process.

Please ensure that product is in unused and original condition. Include all labels, original packing and invoice along with the product. PGR Timber may cancel the order under following scenarios:

• Product no longer available or temporarily out of stock
• Non-serviceable locations Restriction on quantity ordered
• Problems identified by our credit and fraud avoidance department
• Incomplete or inaccurate address
• Correct payment method or required transit document is not shared