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Hardie® Plank Cedar - 180x3600x8mm - Sail Cloth
Hardie® Plank Cedar - 180x3600x8mm - Sail Cloth
Hardie® Plank Cedar - 180x3600x8mm - Sail Cloth


• Stylish & strong fibre cement cladding
Made from advanced material fibre cement, Hardie® Plank cladding is an engineered cellulose-fibre and cement composite that offers the ultimate in fire, moisture, rot and pest
• Stylish & strong fibre cement cladding
Made from advanced material fibre cement, Hardie® Plank cladding is an engineered cellulose-fibre and cement composite that offers the ultimate in fire, moisture, rot and pest resistance. The unique properties of Hardie® Plank cladding offers major advantages over conventional cladding materials, providing ease of installation, design flexibility and enhanced durability.

• Made to last
With advanced seventh generation technology James Hardie have created the most durable Hardie® Plank cladding ever made. Enhanced properties for unmatched durability. The additives are chemically bonded to provide lasting resistance to rain, hail, wind, fire, rot and pests.
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Hardie Plank Cedar


James Hardie








Sail Cloth

Hardie® Plank Cedar - 180x3600x8mm - Sail Cloth


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