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Millboard Touch Up Paint - 500ml - Brushed Basalt
Millboard Touch Up Paint - 500ml - Brushed Basalt


Perfect for blending in cut ends, the touch-up coating is supplied in 500ml tins and in a range of eight colours to match your choice of Millboard decking and cladding.Perfect for blending in cut ends, the touch-up coating is supplied in 500ml tins and in a range of eight colours to match your choice of Millboard decking and cladding.



Decking Touch up Paint




Brushed Basalt



Millboard Touch Up Paint - 500ml - Brushed Basalt


per Each + VAT

Colour: Brushed Basalt
Antique Oak
Brushed Basalt
Burnt Cedar/Embered
Coppered Oak
Golden Oak
Limed Oak
Smoked Oak/Driftwood
Vintage Oak
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Discover The Millboard Range

At PGR, we maintain an extensive inventory of Millboard products across all ranges, earning us the designation of Platinum Distributor. If you're new to Millboard and would like to explore our offerings in person, we have dedicated showrooms available for your convenience.

Enhanced Grain
Crafted from carefully selected oak boards to achieve a textured look and feel, the Enhanced Grain collection offers a contemporary design that authentically replicates the subtle nuances of natural wood. Each shade in this collection is slip-resistant, highlighting the organic patinas with exceptional clarity.
Weathered Oak
Elegantly aged in appearance, our Weathered Oak collection is crafted from century-old oak boards and hand-finished with authentic tones. This collection offers a timeless aesthetic, preserving the natural beauty of the wood while delivering a surface that requires minimal maintenance and provides exceptional slip-resistance, even in wet conditions.